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As part of its consultation on reforming the Devolved Tribunals in Wales, the Law Commission is keen to hear from a wide range of consultees.

As Legal News Wales offers a fairly unique audience of those interested in Welsh law, it would be grateful for any thoughts you may have on our provisional proposals to reform the devolved tribunal in Wales.

To read the consultation paper or to submit a consultation response, click here.

Consultation closes on the 19 March 2021.

Fel rhan o’r ymgynghoriad ar Dribiwnlysoedd datganoledig yng Nghymru, mae Comisiwn y Gyfraith yn awyddus i glywed gan ystod eang o ymgyngoreion.

Fel rhan o gynulleidfa unigryw sy’n ymddiddori yn y gyfraith yn Nghymru, mi fyddwn ni’n hynod awyddus i glywed eich barn ar ein cynnigion dros dro i ddiwygio’r tribiwnlysedd datganoledig yng Nghymru. I ddarllen y papur ymgynghori neu i gyflwyno ymateb, dilynwch y ddolen ganlynol:

Emma Waddingham

Emma Waddingham

Editor, Legal News

Emma Waddingham is the Editor & Founder of Legal News. She is a seasoned legal editor and journalist and experienced marketing & events consultant, working almost exclusively with the UK legal sector.