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The National Assembly for Wales Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee is conducting an inquiry on Making Justice work in Wales.

The Committee intends to carry out its inquiry in two parts, with a deadline for contributions of the 7th May 2020. It welcomes views relevant to:

Part 1: Fact finding & looking forward

  • To identify and map the Assembly and Welsh Government’s existing responsibilities and functions relating to the scrutiny of justice matters;
  • To identify and review the current funding arrangements for justice matters already within the responsibility of the Assembly and Welsh Government;
  • To consider the existing operation of justice functions in Wales, including Welsh Government policies in devolved areas and their interaction with the administration of justice;
  • To consider the impact of relationships between UK and Welsh competence on specific justice matters and to identify areas of concern;
  • To consider how the Assembly could have a more proactive role in the scrutiny of justice, including how justice bodies could engage with the Assembly.

Part 2: Analysis of how the justice system could operate more effectively in Wales

  • Using results of Part 1, to explore any areas of concern in the balance of justice powers and accordingly whether a more coherent and joined up approach to justice policy could be achieved;
  • To consider the implications, consequences and practicalities of any potential justice devolution;
  • To learns lessons on the approach to scrutiny of justice from UK and other legislatures.

For more information, guidance on submitting information and to view the Assembly’s policy on disclosure of information, please click here.